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H&W Ducoil Distributor

Posted: Tue 22. Dec 2009, 12:58
by Lincolnlvr
:?: Anyone know anything on this type of distr.? Have one here that I'm trying to figure out. It's for a 462 MEL, came off an old engine.
H&W Ducoil distr.
Thanks for any info.

Re: H&W Ducoil Distributor

Posted: Tue 29. Dec 2009, 09:10
by Treinarts
I have seen those before, although not for many years. I think those were marine distributors made for 430 engines in flat bottom boats. I am not positive but i think Bill Stropper had them made or converted for his race boats. TJR

Re: H&W Ducoil Distributor

Posted: Tue 21. Aug 2012, 11:58
by Wowcars
I have one and have rebuilt another for the MEL. We had several at the shop I used to work at. For the most part, they are a drag-only distributor. The dual-point, dual coil set up was so the coils could charge up more at high RPM. The drawback to these distributors is the lack of vacuum advance. This will completely kill any gas mileage you might have had a hope of getting running a big engine like the MEL. They do use stock points inside, so if you can figure out what they are (I can't remember wheat we found worked) you can get points off the shelf or run dual pertronix inside of them. Cool piece, but not really economical. But its not keeping me from running one! :mrgreen: