The Forum Rules

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The Forum Rules

Post by Theo » Sat 27. Dec 2008, 13:14

Dear participants,
please keep your posts on topic, civilized, appropriate for all age groups and in a nice family friendly manner. So far and fortunately heated discussions and annoying posts haven't been an issiue in the MEL Engine Forum.

Although professional engine builders and other experts do participate in the threads, I provide you this forum as is. Please read the topics carefully and decide wether or not they might be of help for you. We will not take responsibility for any possible erratic information or possible hazards that may or may not be directly or indirectly caused by ideas discussed in this or in other linked forums. We try our best to keep the published info as correct as possible but we can not in no way grant it.

Please respect the copyrights of all data you publish. We are in no way responsible for posts that may possibly contain ilegal text, photos or links to locations that might publish ilegal content.
You must not publish other participants' data like PM (personal message), phonenumbers, addresses and other personal data without their permission.
After all these must nots I hope that you will have an enjoyable time at the Ford MEL forum though.

Welcome and thank you for your understanding.

Theo Dahlem
Best regards


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